Wednesday, June 9, 2021

A Few More Dollar Code Dates to Watch


Did you know that the USA dollar bill contains encoded information? Yes that is correct, it most certainly does! In fact there is an encoded map on the dollar bill, many encoded dates, and several other things. In this post we will discuss a few dates in the past encoded on the dollar bill and consider a few future ones. 

The encoded dates on the Dollar Bill mainly use two numbers encoded on the bill; 12 and 19.47 or the more exact 19.471. An esoteric addition decimal number is added to 12 to give the various dates. Most of the dates are calculated using the USA start date of July 4, 1776. 

Why 12 and 19.47? 12 is the number of levels of the pyramid and 19.47 is an esoteric number of great importance and is found on the bill as shown below. 

Here are a few past examples of date ciphers found using the parameters discussed above. 

Date Cipher #1 

19.47 x 12 = 233.64 yrs = 233 yrs and 233 days 

July 4, 1776 + 233 yrs and 233 days = February 22, 2010 

And what happened on 2/22/2010? That is the date that President Obama announced his healthcare initiative. As you know it was signed one month later on 3/22/10, after which he so prophetically stated “it is finished.” Some have said this was the last piece of legislation needed to eventually bring in the New World Order. 2/22/2010 is also 1 year, 1 month, and 1 day (111) from President Obama’s Inauguration day on 1/20/2009 (exclusive). Here is another interesting fact about that day. On 2/22/2010; at 11:00 EST gold was at $1111/oz. and at 1:11 PM EST the Dow was down 11.11. points, which was a drop of .11%. 

Date Cipher #2 

12.322 x 19.471 = 239.921662 = 239 years and 337 days 

July 4, 1776 + 239 years and 337 days = June 6, 2016. 

(Note: 322 is the illuminati death number.) 

And what happened on 6/6/2016? The Venus Occultation Sign of the False Messiah. 


Date Cipher #3 

12.55 19.47 = 244.3485 = 244 years and 127 days 

July 4, 1776 + 244 years and 127 days = November 8, 2020. 

(Note: 55 is the double death number.) 

And what happened on 11/8/2020? Biden defeats Trump in presidential election…


Date Cipher #4 

12.555 x 19.471 = 244.458405 = 244 and 167 days 

July 4, 1776 + 244 Years and 167 days = December 14, 2020. 

(Note: 555 is the triple death number.) 

And what happened on 12/14/2020? That was the first day a COVID vaccine shot was given. This post by Hidden in the Crag has some more details about this day; December 14th: What’s in a Date? 

Ok so those are some of the past dates encoded on the dollar bill. More of them are detailed in The Dollar Code. Now here are a few future dates to keep an eye on.


Possible Date Cipher #1 

12.6 x 19.47 = 245.322 = 245 years and 117/8 days 

July 4, 1776 + 245 Years and 117/8 days = October 29/30, 2021. 

(Note: 6 is the number of man and the calculation contains the decimal of 322—the illuminati death number. BTW; 10/29/21 is the 92 anniversary of the 10/29/29 stock market crash. 92 reversed is 29.)


Possible Date Cipher #2 

12.6 x 19.471 = 245.3346 = 245 years and 122 days 

July 4, 1776 + 245 Years and 122 days = November 3, 2021. 

(Note: 11/3 makes a 113. 113 is a heavily signaled number.)


Possible Date Cipher #3 

12.66 x 19.471 = 246.4902 = 246 years and 178/9 days 

July 4, 1776 + 246 Years and 178/9 days = December 29/30, 2022. 

(Note: 66 is 6 x 11; 6 is the number of man and 11 is the rebellion number. Also, if the last 7 years began on 10/19/19 then 12/30/22 is day #1169 and is a possible start date for Seals 2-4. Remember the “little silver men” said WW3 by the end of 2022.)


Possible Date Cipher #4 

12.666 x 19.47 = 246.60702 = 246 years and 221/2 days 

July 4, 1776 + 246 Years and 221/2 days = February 15/16, 2023. 

(Note: 666 is the number of the antichrist. This possible encoding calculates to 246 years and 222 days, 222 is a number encoded on the dollar bill. 2/15-16/2023 is 13 days away from a possible Abomination of Desolation date calculated for 3/1/2023.) 

I am convinced that the dollar bill contains encoded information which includes a map, a continent encoded in the capstone, and encoded symbols. I am also convinced that the dollar bill contains encoded dates, whether or not all or some of the future dates listed in this post are valid is yet to be seen. 

Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36 

Do you want to understand what will happen in the end times and when, so you can be prepared? Read The Coming Epiphany;—Your Guide to Understanding End Times Bible Prophecy. 

Not sure that you will go to heaven? The end times are knocking on the door and so is Jesus. He wants to save you; will you let him in? Find out what you must do to be saved, click here.


  1. Very interesting numbers.

    That June 6th, 2016 Venus going behind the sun still blows me away....but yet I know there is more too that....just cant tie it together. Too much to be a coincidence. I never will forget studying that on my stellarium program. The more I dug, the more gold that came up...

    If nothing else comes of it, it already blessed me with many thoughts.

  2. Hi William,

    Did you watch "Spy Game" yet?

    This film is the secret to unlocking people.

    You should watch it. Soon.

    Blessings from God our Father, our Lord Jesus Christ.

  3. I have some relatives who are basically Trump worshippers, and not just a supporter. They kkeep playing that 2Chronicles7:14 "Trump" card know...the one that says that ,"if" my people, which are called by my name, shallhumble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, , and TURN FROM THEIR WICKED WAYS, then will I hear from heaven, and forgive their sin, and heal their land.

    But...Houston..we have a problem. We are not turning from our ways. I have not seen any current president guide this nation to those above guidelines.

    We tend to blame satan. Well guess what? Read 2Chronicles 15:5-6..and read what is so starting to fit our disparaging times as well as back then...."And in those times there was no peace to him that went out , nor to him that came in, but great vacations were upon all inhabitants of the countries. 6. And nation was destroyed by nation , and city by city:for God did vex them with all adversity."

    People have to realize that it does not matter who you elect if they have problem with God.

    Other scriptures say that God brings strong delusion to those that reject him, so that they further believe a lie.

    What a terrible and wonderful time to experience.

  4. William, take into discussion the next 47 day cycle Nibiru earthquake watch period in June/July 2021 (6/15/21 to 7/5/21). The center point, June 24-25, happens to be also full moon time and 188 day cycle hits that time. We all know that IPG2 film predicted great (California) earthquake and IPG2 was published on June 24, 2012.

  5. Hello William
    As Olli-R pointed out June 25th is the continued 188 day earthquake cycle but there is a little more. Olli-4 gave the cycle a 10 day window on either side of the exact time so I will use that and my 4 day window for more intrigue if you will. But this is not a game and could be a game changer and life altering and or ending for many.

    The Month of Tammuz by the sighting of the new moon in Israel began June 11th. The 17th of Tammuz will fall on June 28th within both our time frames. The 17th of Tammuz was when the walls of Jerusalem were breached and some say the day Moses broke the stone ten commandments. It will be three weeks of repentance to Tisha Bav when the 1st and s
    2nd temples were destroyed on the ninth of Av.
    OK here we go.

    #1 188 day earthquake cycle June 25th.
    #2 June 28th well within the 188 day cycle window the 17th of Tammuz. And the chapter of the breaking of the tablets is an eye opener. I think a prophetic picture.
    #3 your/ Olli-4 10 day extension of the 188 day window to 7-5-2021. 7-6-2021 will be 2300 days ( evening and mornings ) from the total solar eclipse in the middle of the blood moons.
    #4 7-18-2021 will be Tisha Bav and 7-21-2021 will be 2300 days from the third blood moon of 2015.
    What will happen? We don't know. When will things happen? We don't know. But there has been a lot of talk and warning of shakings / earthquakes and judgement.

    We are waiting
    We are watching
    We are seeing and will see.
    Brent 188

  6. Hi William
    Just to add to Brent 188: June 28th is also the date the B.I.S. is supposed starting BASEL III rules for European Banks (UK following in the next 6 months..)with all the consequences it should have for the LBMA and COMEX concerning the "real" price of gold and silver... As we know, the more the prices of gold and silver will rise, the more the value of fiat currencies will be perceived to fall...especially concerning US $ and €...
