Monday, September 12, 2011

A Special Request

My Dad is scheduled to undergo open heart surgery on Wednesday--one doc does not think he will live through it. What concerns me the most is his spiritual condition. I have witnessed to and prayed for my Dad for many years, but he is very argumentative about the whole thing--I am sure you know what I am talking about. Could you please pray for my Dad that he would be saved and for the surgery to go well? Thank you.


  1. I will pray for your father - for his salvation and for health and healing, within God's will. I have prayed for you recently, and I am very grateful for your website and wisdom!

  2. Thank you for sharing your heart with us. I join you in praying for the salvation of your father.

  3. Our prayers are with you brother

  4. May our Loving Lord awaken the heart of your dad to His Truth and REALITY.
    May the veil be lifted and the Life of God shine through and be well received by your dad. In the LORD's Name. Amen.

  5. Wonderful to hear about your dad's surgery. I will continue to pray for his salvation. My mom and dad don't have a relationship with the Lord and this is a great concern of mine. Thanks for letting us know about the surgery. Praying for a speedy recovery as well.
    Much love!
    Your sister in Christ!
