Wednesday, May 15, 2024

2028 and Armageddon Updated: Confirmation Received!


Are you sensing that the end times are upon us or even that we are in the end times now? If you are, then you are not alone, many are sensing the same. I could be wrong, but I believe that we are in the end times—the last 7-year period before the Lord Jesus returns to the earth. And after He returns to the earth, He will vanquish the kingdom of the antichrist at the battle of Armageddon and establish His Millennial kingdom. 

In this post I will show you several reasons why I believe we are in the last 7 years and more specifically that the last 7 years most likely began in 2021 and thus the Lord Jesus will most likely return to the earth to establish the Millennial kingdom in 2028. 

Here is the prophetic data that leads me to believe that the last 7 years began in 2021. 

Heavenly Signs 

On 12/25-26/2019 the rider on the horse received a crown when the sun was eclipsed over the head of Sagittarius.


Many prophecy watchers, including myself, interpreted this as a sign of the opening of Seal 1 as described in Rev 6. (Note: I only believe this was a sign of the opening of Seal 1, not that the Seal was opened on this date.) 

And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see. 

And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer. Rev 6:1,2. 

Subsequently I believe another sign occurred on 12/14/2020—the great Babylon eclipse.


This was also the same day that the jab was rolled out. I believe that Seal 1 was opened, and the conquering force began sometime after that date, in the latter part of 2021.


Seal 2


I believe Seal 2 was opened on or prior to 2/22/2022, which was when Russia issued the decree to invade Ukraine. Several watches were issued for this date and were posted on this blog. 

And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see. 

And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword. Rev 6:3,4 

As most of you are aware, this conflict is ongoing and involves many nations and the possibility that it may go nuclear increases every day. Along with this war we have the Israel conflicts, and the North Korea/China sabre rattling. I believe these conflicts constitute the illuminati planned WW3 which is designed to usher in the antichrist.


Seal 3 and Seal 4


Prophetic data is suggesting that the opening of Seal 3 and 4 are imminent. See the post; Is the Black Horse Ready to Start Galloping Throughout the Earth? 

And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand. 

And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine. 

And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see. 

And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth. Rev 6:5-8 

So, are we in the last 7 years, and if so, did it begin in 2021? As you can see from the chart below, which is explained in The Coming Epiphany, if it did, then we will see the midpoint events occur in the first half of 2025. 

 And is there any evidence pointing to 2025 as the midpoint?

The World Teacher and 2025


New Age types have been heralding for a long time that the world teacher is going to come on the scene in 2025. The world teacher will most likely be the antichrist and or the false prophet. Scripture tells us that these two individuals will be active in the latter half of the last 7 years. See the post; 2025 and the World Teacher.




The “white hats” are informing us that NESARA, GESARA, and the QFS financial system are near to being initiated. This coming worldwide digital financial system will most likely involve the mark of the beast, which we know will be operating after the opening of Seal 5 in the last half of the 7 years. See the post; New Intel: QFS, NESARA, and GESARA; Is it Almost Here!? 

So based on the research that I have done, and if the midpoint of the last 7 years will be in 2025 then here are some of the possibilities for events that I expect to see between now and mid-2025: WW3, which we are now in, will escalate and go nuclear, the stock market will crash, there will be a 10-day lockdown, then the new Quantum Financial System and the mark will be initiated. 1/4 of the world’s population will have died. A great antichrist UFO related deception will arise. 

And if the last 7 years began in 2021 and the midpoint occurs in 2025, then we will see Jesus' return in 2028. Below is some data pointing to 2028 as the time when Jesus will return to earth at Armageddon to set up His Millennial kingdom. 

(Note: If the second coming will be in 2027 then the midpoint events will have already occurred by now, that leaves us with 2028 and beyond for possible dates. However, if the midpoint events were done in secret in 2024, then Armageddon will be in 2027.)


The Eclipse Symmetries 

Take a look at these symmetries of eclipses, what do they say to you? 

What these symmetries of eclipses say to me is that since the second set pointed to the death, burial, resurrection and ascension of the Lord, then the last set points to the second coming of the Lord sometime after the last eclipse on 8/2/2027.


The Perfect Numbers

In mathematics there is what is called a perfect number. A perfect number is a number whose factors, not including the number itself, add up to the number. The first perfect number is 6, which just so happens to be the number of man. 

The number 6 has factors of 1, 2, and 3. 1 + 2 + 3 = 6 

How many perfect numbers are there between 1 and 33 million? There are only 4.

As you can see, the first two are 6 and 28. And so far, only 51 perfect numbers have been found in all the possible numbers that exist, and all 51 of them end in either a 6 or 28. I found this information at a website entitled 2028 End.

The author contends that the perfect number data is a witness to, and confirms that the end of the 6000 years allotted to man will be in 2028. He also believes that 2028 will be the year when Jesus returns at the battle of Armageddon to set up His Millennial kingdom—the beginning of the 7th 1000-year period of time. 

So, are the perfect numbers a witness to 2028 being the year Jesus will return? Consider this further piece of evidence from the website linked above—the beginning declares the end.

The Beginning Declares the End 

God said in His Word: “I have declared the end from the beginning” (Is 46:10). So, is this a clue, is God telling us that He declared the end at the beginning? Let’s take a look at the beginning—the first verse of the first book of the Bible—the very first thing that God told us. 

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Gen 1:1 Does this beginning verse declare the end? Let’s look at the Hebrew.


We see 7 words and 28 letters in that verse. The author contends that the 7 words represent the 7 one-thousand-year periods of time that correspond to the 7 days of a week, the first 6000 being the days allotted to man and the last 1000 years being the Millennium. The 28 would then represent the year that the 7th 1000-year period will begin--2028. 

So, does the beginning verse of the Bible and the perfect numbers declare the end of the 6000 years and the beginning of the Millennium as the year 2028, as the author suggests?


The 9/30/2028 Synchronicities of the Presidents

A fellow researcher by the name of Steve Wilkin also believes that Jesus will return at Armageddon in 2028. He bases this hypothesis on many syncs that he has found that point to the Day of Atonement in 2028—9/30/2028. 

As an example, here is a set of syncs that he has found in relation to past Presidents of the USA. 

Roosevelt served 4422 days 

Book 44 of the Bible is ACTS        

Book 22 of Bible is SONG OF SOLOMON                  

Using A=1,B=2, C=3, etc.;  

ACTS+SONG OF SOLOMON = 222               

Six Thousand Years = 222                                               


Truman served 2840 days 

Matthew is Book 40 of the Bible. 

Matthew has 28 chapters.

Matthew has 1071 verses 

Matthew begins with chapter 930 of the Bible.

Matthew ends with chapter 957 of the Bible 

957 + 1071 vs = 2028. 

In the book of Matthew the beginning to end reveals 9/30/2028.


Our two numbers of interest above, 4422 and 2840 yields the following:

4422 divided by 2840 = 1.557 

1557 = 519 x 3


Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, and Kennedy; the four Assassinated Presidents in USA History in order were the 16th, 20th, 25th, and 35th presidents. 

As a complete number this reveals 16202535 = 409 x 139 x 5 x 19 x 3 

In math the 80th prime number is 409 

Israel fulfilled Bible Prophecy becoming a nation again on 5/14/1948, which is exactly 80 years 139 Days to 9/30/2028.

The 9th President William Harrison, 30th President Calvin Coolidge, 20th President James Garfield, and 28th President Woodrow Wilson forms 9/30/2028. 

In order they served 31 days, 2041 days, 199 days, and 2922 days. 

31 + 2041 + 199 + 2922 = 5193 days total.         

If A=1, B=2, C+3, etc., then September Thirty Two Thousand Twenty Eight = 519 

From the prophetic sign in the heavens of the Jupiter/Saturn Grand conjunction on 12/21/2020 to 9/30/2028 is 2840 days. 

So, those are some examples of some of the 9/30/2028 syncs that Steve has found. You can see more of the syncs at his website.

Now take a look at this chart again and see how 9/30/2028 fits with the chart data.

As you can see, based on the Biblical parameters found in scripture, I have calculated that Armageddon will occur in alignment with Rosh Hashanah. In 2028 Rosh Hashanah—the feast of trumpets—occurs on 9/20-21/2028. I have further calculated that the beginning of the Millennium will occur on the first day of the feast of tabernacles in 2028, which is 10/5/2028. Thus Steve’s date of 9/30/2028 falls on the Day of Atonement which is in-between these two dates.

So, are my dates off by 10 days or will 9/30/2028 be another important date of an event between Armageddon and the beginning of the Millennium?


Are we in the last 7 years, and if so, did they begin on 9/28/2021? Will the midpoint events involving the antichrist occur in 2025? Will the end of the last 7 years and Armageddon be in the fall of 2028? Or do we look to yet future years for all of this to occur? As always, time will tell. But one thing is for certain, the rapture will not occur until after the opening of Seal 6.

Update: The Big the One, which has been an excellent source of prophetic information from the other side of the ocean, posted an article in response to this post. In their post entitled, The End of the World Will Be in 2028, and now the next one will happen... features the vision that an elderly German pastor had. Here is a part of it, you can read the rest at the link. But it clearly confirms the 2021 to 2028 theory.

...Initially, the number of 21 increased... 22.. 23.. 24 … just like a digital clock. But after seeing fallen lampposts and broken high-voltage wires, the Sun began to fill with a huge number 28. It was so bright and expanding that it completely filled the Sun. 

When this happened, I heard with extraordinary clarity distinct voices (Job 33:16), like those you hear in stereo headphones, which I have never heard before in my life, boldly proclaiming, "JESUS IS COMING, JESUS IS COMING, JESUS IS COMING!" 

The voices were very powerful and I heard them as soon as the number 28 began to fill the Sun. Voices were heard both from the left and from the right. It was as if several angels lined up in a row, and their statements followed one another in perfect sequence. Then I woke up.

Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36 

Have you had your epiphany? You need to be prepared for the end times! Read The Coming Epiphany;—Your Guide to Understanding End Times Bible Prophecy. 

Not sure that you will go to heaven? The end times are knocking on the door and so is Jesus. He wants to save you; will you let him in? Find out what you must do to be saved, click here.


  1. Your timeline is not too different from mine. I believe the 7 yr tribulation started when they rolled out the death jabs, the first form of the Mark of the beast, the Covid shots, in Dec. 2020.

    So IMO, we are just about to the middle of the 7 yr trib in June of 2024.

    During the last 3.5 years of the 7 yr trib, the 2nd form of the Mark of the Beast will be issued which is the Microneedle Patch which has all the same deadly ingredients that the covid Mark shots had.

    It’s a patch that looks like a tattoo. Bill Gates said at the 2024 Davos meeting that the vaccine Patch ( The Mark) will be issued sometime soon.

    Probably when the Antichrist is revealed.

    1. Thanks for sharing your insights, I have pondered the very scenario that you present. However, knowing that the major events of Christ's first coming aligned with and fulfilled the spring feasts, I believe that Christ's second coming will align with and fulfill the fall feasts. That is why I have aligned the major events of the ending of the last 7 years with the fall feasts.

      If that is the case, then we are already past the midpoint for a possible 2027 end date. That is why we look to 2028. Details are in The Coming Epiphany.

      From all that I have read I think the mark will be a computer chip in the hand or forehead that may indeed involve the patch.

  2. We are certainly not yet in the 7-year tribulation, which will only begin when the Antichrist establishes a covenant of peace in the Middle East (Dan. 9:27). Of course, there may be some reflections of this Tribulation period now. Jesus spoke about the beginning of the birth pains before the actual tribulation.

    1. Revealing of the antichrist
      Another argument presented by pre-trib adherents against the rapture occurring during the 70th Week is that they assert that the rapture occurs at the same time or immediately following the revealing of the antichrist. They reason further that since the antichrist is revealed at the signing of the peace treaty (the event that many believe starts the 70th Week), the rapture must occur at the beginning of the 70th Week.

      Proponents of the pre-trib rapture formulate this belief from two passages:

      Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition. (2 Thess. 2:3)

      And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate. (Dan. 9:27)

      2 Thessalonians 2:3 does, indeed, tell us that the antichrist is revealed before the rapture will take place, but Daniel 9:27 does not necessitate that the antichrist be involved in the initial signing of the peace treaty. When you examine the Hebrew, the true meaning becomes clearly evident. Roy Reinhold, author of The Day of the Lord and an expert in Hebrew, has this to say about the verse:

      The “he” is the same person throughout the verse. Higbir is a hifil 3ms perfect verb, and the Qal root verb is gavar meaning “to be strong, to conquer.” A Hifil is “causative,” and so in this case the usage is “and he caused to be made strong” a covenant for the many for one period of seven. In no way does this imply that the “he” the antichrist originates the peace treaty. What it clearly shows is that the antichrist comes along after the peace treaty is in effect and he agrees with it and enforces its provisions.

      So an analysis of the Hebrew brings out the fact that, when the antichrist is revealed and comes to power in the midst of the 70th Week, the peace treaty will already be in effect and “he,” the antichrist, will merely confirm and or strengthen it. Thus, a more accurate translation of the verse would read: “And he will strengthen the covenant that was made with many for a week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease.”

      So if the antichrist will not be the one to make the peace treaty, who is? The Hebrew rendering of this verse tells us the peace treaty will be made with “the many.” This suggests that the treaty will probably be the result of an effort by many nations—like we see now with the “Road Map”—to bring peace to the tumultuous Middle East situation.

      We also cannot assume that the signing or beginning of the peace treaty aligns with the beginning of the 70th Week. The peace treaty may simply be a treaty with terms in effect for 7 years signed sometime during the 70th Week that the antichrist strengthens during “in the midst” of the 70th Week.
      Scripture tells us that the antichrist does not come to power and reign until the last 3.5 years of the 70th Week of Daniel after the Abomination of Desolation has occurred. In reference to the antichrist, Revelation 13:5 says, “and there was given unto him a mouth speaking great blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.” Thus his reign starts shortly after the occurrence of the Abomination of Desolation in which he deceives the world into thinking that he is God and his reign continues until he is thrown in the lake of fire at the conclusion to the battle of Armageddon.

      2 Thessalonians 2:4 confirms when the revealing takes place:

    2. Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

      That verse tells us that the man of sin will not be revealed until he sets himself up as God, and he does that at the Abomination of Desolation: “and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition . . . so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.” The verse further tells us “that day shall not come,” in reference to the Day of the Lord and the rapture, until after the antichrist sets himself up as God. As we have just pointed out, that does not happen until after the Abomination of Desolation.

      Daniel 7:24 further confirms that the antichrist does not arise until after the peace treaty is signed, showing us that the antichrist (little horn) comes after the New World Order (NWO)—the “ten horns”—is established. “And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings.” The establishment of the NWO does not begin until after the first seal is opened, which we will discuss in detail in another chapter. Thus, Daniel 7:24 confirms that the antichrist arises after the establishment of the NWO, which comes after the peace treaty is signed.

      Therefore, to say that the antichrist will be revealed before the rapture is correct, but to say that he will be revealed before the 70th Week, or that the rapture occurs before or at the same time that he is revealed, has no scriptural support. In fact, the scriptures make it clear that the Day of Christ will not come until after he is revealed at the Abomination of Desolation.

  3. 1/4 of the world perishes in the first 4 seals or the “birth pangs” as the seals are called in the Oliver Discourse. We have not started Daniel’s 70th week yet. Seal 1 and the falling away of 2thess go hand in hand. That hasn’t happened yet. Likely 70th week starts this fall.

    1. There is no scriptural evidence to suggest that the Seal 1 and the great falling away go hand in hand. But 2 Thes does associate the falling away with the abomination of desolation and Daniel tells us that occurs near the midpoint.

      3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

      4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. 2 Thes 2:3,4

      11 And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days. Dan 12:11

    2. Olivet discourse describes seals 1-6 if we line the passages up we can see seal 1 is not Christ, nor the church, it is false Christs/the antichrist conquering. What is he conquering? Seal two describes his conquering nations through war. Seal 1 the people through deception. You make too strong a case when you say “no evidence”. I would agree it isn’t explicit but rather implied but Christ warned several times DO NOT BE DECEIVED.

      Brother I have read and appreciated your pre wrath view for many years. Please be careful though, telling someone we are already in this time of prophesied trouble is ALMOST has harmful as telling someone we won’t see it (pre trib) if in fact we are not in it yet.

      My personal opinion is seal 1 will be an “alien” deception of some sort. I also am of the opinion the pre trib deception will cause many to “fall away” when we enter the 70th week because we will all know we have entered it and many pre trib adherents will be overcome with emotion believing they missed the rapture and were “left behind”.

    3. Yes, Olivet discourse describes end times events. Some think the rider of the white horse is the antichrist. I disagree with this assessment, for the antichrist is only allotted 3.5 years to reign at the end of the 70th Week, not at the beginning.

      If I say a hurricane will hit your town either this week or next week and you need to prepare...

      The alien deception is already out there and growing and I believe will culminate in the great falling way, abomination of desolation, mark around the midpoint.

  4. And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth. Rev 6:5-8

    I have read (and I am not sure where I saw this) that "the fourth part of the earth" is not 1/4th of the earth' population, but is instead the FOURTH part of the earth. IE, North and South America. Very interesting read....if only I could find it. In fact, when first discovered, there is a map where it is referred to as the fourth part of the earth. So much so that the State Department paid millions (as I recall) to get that map!
    All of this to say - maybe this seal is only for North and South America?

    1. Chris....I have posted my strong opinion that the four seals are directed at THE FOURTH PART OF THE WORLD...which is North and South America....instead of killing one fourth of the world's population Much evidence can be shown with scriptural support and how the Library of Congress actually has the long lost map called The Fourth Part Of The World. After I read about the finding of that map...and how it makes much more sense to me that the four seals are directed at North and South America....which by the way I did a land area study and it makes up just a little over 25% of the inhabited land mass . I was convinced then. I could elaborate MUCH more, but I am away from my notes.

    2. Thank you Stan. Maybe it was one of your postings that I am thinking of! The MOMENT I read about it I was convinced that it was talking about "the fourth PART of the world" - as you say! That map was mind blowing. Just like God to use some small part of history that has been forgotten to SHOW us what he planned all along. Good work.

  5. Another theory for you: what if 1/4 of the population is Western Civilization as we know it?

  6. Read this William. See the video in the article.

    Evidence Is Now Appearing Indicating the Iran Presidential Helicopter Crash WAS an Assassination


    This is an interesting video regarding planet and stars alignments that may coincide with what's happening currently. Remember Jesus promises to cut short these days for the sake of His ELECT.

  8. Good evening folks,
    I’ve read and listened to recorded sermons from Elder Paisios several years ago. Just a day or two ago, I came across his prophecy for wwiii. I’m sharing for your discernment-
    Peaceful blessings to all, especially to William.

    1. Thank you for sharing, that is something to keep an eye on.

  9. Do you have an opinion on the prophecies of Kim Clement?
