Sunday, August 4, 2024

This is the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius, 8/13/2024, What Will Happen?



“The Age of Aquarius, the Age of Aquarius…” As a child I remember hearing the song that included those lyrics. You probably remember hearing it somewhere too. In fact my neighbor taught me how to play it on the organ (in my B.C. days). 

The song was sung by the group The Fifth Dimension, which was entitled Aquarius/Let the sunshine In. It was the biggest hit single in 1969.

Here are some of the 

When the moon is in the Seventh House 

And Jupiter aligns with Mars 

Then peace will guide the planets 

And love will steer the stars 

This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius 

Age of Aquarius 



Harmony and understanding 

Sympathy and trust abounding 

No more falsehoods or derisions 

Golden living dreams of visions 

Mystic crystal revelation 

And the mind's true liberation 



Let the sunshine, let the sunshine in, the sunshine in…

Basically, the song celebrates a utopian Age of Aquarius as a time of great peace, when all will be well in the world, and all the falsehoods are gone. It also gives an astrological time for when the Age of Aquarius will begin— “when the moon is in the Seventh House, and Jupiter aligns with Mars.”

Knowing that predictive programming abounds in the entertainment industry, let’s look into the sky of the future to see when the moon is in the 7th house, which is Libra, and Jupiter aligns with Mars, to see when their Age of Aquarius begins.

The next time that Jupiter aligns with Mars and the Moon is in the 7th house, depending on your time zone, it is 8/13/2024 (Tish'a B' Av). 

(Note: I checked out to 2040 and this is the only time it will occur between now and then. BTW, from a March 1969 release date of the song to August of 2024 is 55 years and 5 months.)

So, let’s assume the lyrics of the song are predictive programming and that this will be the time when the “Age of Aquarius” begins. If that is so let’s conjecture what the ramifications may be.

First off, the concept of the “Age of Aquarius” according to the lyrics and other sources is when a new age will begin, and peace will reign on the earth and falsehoods will be eliminated.

Further the esoteric definition of the name of the group—The Fifth Dimension—sheds some light on this Age of Aquarius concept.

Ascension into the Fifth Dimension

The Earth and all beings living on the planet are shifting into a whole new level of reality in which a consciousness of love, joy, peace, freedom, compassion and spiritual wisdom prevails. This has been called the Fifth Dimension…

1.   All people living in peace and harmony, experiencing Oneness with all of life, fully respecting all people and the planet. 

2.   Love and compassion flow through all communications. 

3.   Equality, justice and respect for all human beings reign on Earth. 

4.   No more hunger, poverty or crime. 

5.   Abundance available to all. 

6.   Everyone live without fear, with complete trust in the Divine. 

7.   Everyone awaken to the majestic, divine interdimensional beings they truly are. 

8.   People freely communicate with beings from other planets and galaxies and traveling to distant parts of the universe with these beings. 

9.   Experience, creation and travel are created in harmony with the Divine Will of Source. 

10. Every being, place, situation or location that is desired becomes instantly manifest.

You get the idea—from a Christian perspective I realize that the Age of Aquarius or new age will feature the New World Order with the antichrist UFO connected man as its worshipped ruler—for it is the antichrist that will bring a false “peace” to the world.

So, what might happen on 8/13/2024? Let's list some possibilities.

1. A day of an event in which the New World Order is further established in a big way, which may include major war events.

2. The day of an event in which the false messiah, the antichrist, becomes known to the world or at least discerning Christians.

3. The day of a major UFO event.

4. The day in which nothing major happens, but after that date the powers bring about several actions to firmly establish the New World Order.

Here is something to ponder; if it is the day of a major antichrist event, could it be the day that the antichrist comes back to life after suffering his head wound?

And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast. Rev 13:3

And since the false messiah would falsely duplicate events in the life of the Lord Jesus Christ, I would expect that his deadly wound would be healed 3 days afterward, just like Jesus rose from the dead 3 days after He was crucified.

8/13/2024 minus 3 days puts us at 8/10/2024. So, that is the date to watch for if the head wound hypothesis is the correct one.

Now consider this piece of data that I saw at The Big The One.

"Donnie Darko" predicts Trump could die 28 days after assassination attempt.

On October 2, 1988, troubled teenager Donald "Donnie" Darko encounters a figure in a monstrous rabbit costume named Frank, who tells Donnie that the world will end in exactly 28 days, 6 hours, 42 minutes, and 12 seconds. 

Donnie wakes up the next morning on the green of a local golf course and returns home to discover that a jet engine has crashed in his bedroom.

28 + 6 + 42 + 12 = 88

It's no coincidence that they add up to 88. Several allusions are made throughout the film to "Back to the Future" (88 representing the end of time/time travel) and the "End of the World" (aka "End of Times").

Donald "Donnie" Darko represents Donald Trump. In the film he appears wearing a T-shirt that says "Triumph" which directly references TRUMP. 

The etymology of Trump indicates that Trump is derived from "Triumph." It is also no coincidence that the letters in TRUMP add up to 88.

In the film, there is a shot of a bottle of Donnie's pills on which is written the date 7/24/88 which contains precisely the date of Trump's assassination attempt 7/24, July 2024, associated with the number 88 which represents TRUMP and also the year 2024 which is the only year in the 21st century divisible by 88. 2024 = 88x23.

As I said at the beginning, on 10/2/88 Donnie wakes up on the green of a golf course and returns home to discover that a jet engine has crashed in his bedroom. That is to say that Donald Darko, who represents Trump, has been spared from dying by chance, precisely what happened on 7/13/2024 when Trump did not die by chance.

But Donnie does die at the end of the film. He dies 28 days later, on October 30, 1988, when the engine falls on him while he is in his room. The parallel with Trump seems clear. Trump could die 28 days later from another shot that does hit his head…

More at the source:

Hmm… interesting indeed and 28 days after 7/13/2024 is 8/10/2024—3 days before the Age of Aquarius date.

So, what do you think, is the predictive programming suggesting that former President Trump will be killed on 8/10/2024, or could it be 28 days after some other event like election day, or inauguration day? Is he a threat to the establishment of the New World Order and must be taken out of the way.

I do not know who the antichrist is, as I have said for years, when we see the prophecies fulfilled such as somebody being killed with a head wound and coming back to life, then I will know who the antichrist is.

Think about this; do you think the person that the Jews crown their Messiah will be a prominent world figure who they have great respect for? 

Who Will the Jews Crown the Messiah and When?

And do you think he will identify as a Jew?

And let’s not forget that the world teacher, who most likely fits the bill as the false prophet is supposed to show up circa 2025.

2025 and the World Teacher

If that is the case, then a lot of important prophetic events will have to occur between now and then. Do you think that we are getting close, and that all this fits with this hypothesis?

2028 and Armageddon

So, which possibility do you think is the correct one for the Age of Aquarius date, or do you have a possibility to add? Comment below.

1. A day of an event in which the New World Order is further established in a big way, which may include major war events.

2. The day of an event in which the false messiah, the antichrist, becomes known to the world or at least discerning Christians.

3. The day of a major UFO event.

4. The day in which nothing major happens, but after that date the powers bring about several actions to firmly establish the New World Order.

Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36 

Have you had your epiphany? You need to be prepared for the end times! Read The Coming Epiphany;—Your Guide to Understanding End Times Bible Prophecy. 

Not sure that you will go to heaven? The end times are knocking on the door and so is Jesus. He wants to save you; will you let him in? Find out what you must do to be saved, click here.



  1. I have never understood why people would be fooled into thinking the age of Aquarius would be a golden age for all when the rulers of the signs involved are both considered malefics. Leo is ruled by the sun which destroys by fire and is the sign of kings, Aquarius is ruled by saturn which destroys by weakness and is the sign of slaves. The waterbearer is a slave, and the associated mythology claims it is a boy zeus abducts and sodomizes. This doesn’t indicate a golden age for anyone but the beastly rulers, and it is fools gold. Consider Calhouns mouse utopia and universe 25 for an example of how their smart cities will play out. Both astrological signs indicate deserted, destroyed places so it’s obvious how unchecked animalistic egos are going to lay waste to everything. I have read and heard quite a few prophecies about the sudden last war beginning end of July beginning of august, however Russian calendar is two weeks behind gregorian.


    3:00 minute mark “markets plunge war”

  3. William, thank you for your insights on the matter, especially revolving around the event of July 13th, 2024. My guestimation is that Revelation 13 vs 3, is according to the present verb usage "appears" , was an accurate summation of your interpretation because the world marveled at his wound.

    Also, Israel has already looked to him when he forged the Abraham Accord, aka Trump Accord as he was president at the time, on Yom Kippur- September 15th, 2020 and those Arab alliance leaders turned their backs on Israel in Gaza October 7th, 2023. So, as we approach another Yom Kippur of 2024, this October 12th/13th - we must continue to pray because our Redemption draws near.

    1. Also, as a side note which maybe a critical component according to PM Netanyahu, that on April 14th, 2024, Iran attacked Israel, technology 3 1/2 yrs after the Abraham Accord.

      Let's remember what were told in Revelation 17:12, along with Matthew 24:22 that pretty much sums it all up.

  4. We should all keep Donald Trump in our prayers, that he is protected by God against the strong desire of 'our' government that wants rid of him

  5. Will pray for Matthew. Like the last election will sit this one out as well. So basically evil is evil and take your pick of the least one because you would have to write pray for the other democratic candidate. It's a pretty sad commentary on the state of affairs that this was the best option the Republican party gave the country. Hard truths for the end of the age. Keep reading and praying Matthew Chapter 5, along with Revelation 22 vs 20-21.


  6. Prince William today revealed that he was left with a 'Harry Potter scar' after being hit around the head with a golf club when he was a boy.
    It was in 1991 when Prince William was eight that he was struck in the head with a golf club while playing with friends while attending Ludgrove Prepatory school in Wokingham.
    He said the scar sometimes "glows" like Harry Potter's famous lightning bolt scar.



  8. Since PW hasn't made a peace accord with Israel it "apoears" DJT did since it's his watch this was signed and agreed to by Israel's middle east neighbors, after signed gaza war started and 3 - 6 months later Israel is attacked by Iran = 3 1/2 yrs after the signing of the Abraham Accord, which the devil was in the details all along.

  9. Today is of note

    Hello All,


  10. The United Nations Pact of the Future is the one you should be paying attention to. Their website states very clearly that it will be REAFFIRMED on September 22/23 of this year,

    1. "One man's Sacrifice, is another man's priceless pearl treasure." Unknown Author - moral of the two, choose wisdom.

  11. Well that one didn’t pan out maybe look to 2040 now

    1. I wrote, "4. The day in which nothing major happens, but after that date the powers bring about several actions to firmly establish the New World Order."
