Thursday, June 27, 2024

The 188 Day Earthquake Cycle; Watch July


Received an email the other day about the 188-day earthquake cycle, felt I should pass it on.

The continental United States is prone to earthquakes in many areas because of plate tectonics and their movement and don’t need any other outside forces to start or create earthquakes. In this case though there may be signs to watch for in our near future. The 188-day earthquake cycle has been something that I have watched for years.

Some observations:

January 10, 2023, was the day of a 188 day 7.0 or greater earthquake cycle pattern somewhere in the world.

January 8, 2023, there was a 7.0 earthquake in Vanuatu, Santa

January 9, 2023, there was a 7.6 earthquake in Indonesia

Within one day of the exact 188-day cycle. (First witness)


The next 188-day earthquake cycle would be from January 10, 2023, to July 17, 2023. 

From January 10, 2023, to July 17, 2023, was 188 days.

July 16, 2023, a 7.2 earthquake struck Sand Point Alaska

Within one day of the exact 188-day cycle. (Second witness)


The next 188-day earthquake cycle would be from July 17, 2023, to January 21, 2024

From July 17, 2023, to January 21, 2024, was 188 days.

January 22, 2024, a 7.0 earthquake struck China

Within one day of the exact 188-day cycle. (Third witness)


The next 188-day earthquake cycle will be from January 21, 2024, to July 27, 2024

From January 21, 2024, to July 27, 2024, will be 188 days.

I had been watching this pattern beginning in 2010 and into 2018. On average there was a 7.2 magnitude earthquake within 2.8 days of the exact 188 days.

Since 2010 to present none of these earthquakes have happened in the lower 48 United States.

And now it gets interesting.

God Showed Me A Shaking of Nations Coming This July. 

Thank you, Brent, for reminding us of the 188-day cycle. In the past there have been several posts on this blog about the 188-day earthquake cycle such as this one: Beware of the Nibiru 47 Day Large Earthquake Cycle. And as you can surmise it may be Planet X related, which may be Seal 6 and rapture related.

Thus, we should watch the time around July 27 for a large earthquake(s). Let me also mention that the next 188 cycle day is 1/31/2025 and our California Mega Earthquake watch day of 1/28/2025, which is within the range. And we may have gotten a confirmation of this date; The Baltimore Bridge Collapse: Did We Just Get a Confirmation of the Date of the…

Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36 

Have you had your epiphany? You need to be prepared for the end times! Read The Coming Epiphany;—Your Guide to Understanding End Times Bible Prophecy. 

Not sure that you will go to heaven? The end times are knocking on the door and so is Jesus. He wants to save you; will you let him in? Find out what you must do to be saved, click here.


  1. Hello William
    I would like to add what i think is important info if i may.

    There were four major earthquakes in the United States in 1811 and 1812 but since two of them fell on the same
    day I will only be talking about three of them. These earthquakes sizes were also just guessed at since the Richter
    scale wasn’t put in use until 1935. And all of these quakes were in or around the New Madrid fault zone, very close to where the X of the 2017 and 2024 eclipses cross.

    New Madrid earthquakes December 16 1811 a 7.2 earthquake - January 23 1812 a 7.0 earthquake - February 7 1812 a 7.4 earthquake.

    From the last eclipse on September 17 1811 there were 90 days until the first earthquake on December 16 1811.
    I bring this up because April 8 2024 will be the last eclipse and the next 188-day earthquake cycle will be 110 days
    later, on or about July 27 2024. Just 20 days off of the exact 90-day time frame of the start of the 1800 earthquakes.

    From the first eclipse on June 26 1805 to the last earthquake February 7 1812 was 2417 days. 103 days later would be the 2520th day. From the first Great American eclipse August 21 2017 to April 8 2024 the last Great American eclipse will be 2422 days. A difference of only 5 days from the above time frame 2417 days plus five days is 2422 days.

    I repeat
    From the last eclipse on September 17 1811 there were 90 days until the first earthquake on December 16 1811.

    90 days after April 8 2024 will be July 7 2024 and 98 days later will be July 15 2024 the 2520 day after the first Great American eclipse on August 21 2017.

    110 days after the April 8 2024 eclipse will be July 27 2024 the 188-day earthquake cycle.

    From the last eclipse on September 17 1811 to the first earthquake on December 16 1811 was 90 days.

    From the last eclipse on April 8 2024 to July 7 2024 will be 90 days and within 20 days of the 188-day earthquake cycle.

    This is not science I am using I am too simple for that. This is an observation.

    On April 18 2024 the United States vetoed Palestine's request for full membership to the United Nations. On May 10 2024 the U.N. voted to give Palestine new rights in the United Nations assembly. The days ahead may lead to prophecies in the word of God Joel 3:2 in the past coming true that whom ever divides Gods land Israel will be judged/divided. The United Nations headquarters is in New York city.

    As you said above

    "Let me also mention that the next 188 cycle day is 1/31/2025 and our California Mega Earthquake watch day of 1/28/2025, which is within the range."

    There is something else i would like to share. The statement,

    "God Showed Me A Shaking of Nations Coming This July"

    is not from me and that is why it could be important.

    It comes from a young man named Troy Black on YouTube and i believe it is a confirmation.

    The video is "God told me what is coming in July" from the 5-minute mark to the 7-minute mark.

    Thank you, William,

    we are waiting
    we are watching
    we will see
    Brent 188

    1. Hello William

      From the above
      July 7 2024/ July 11 a 7.1 in the Philippines.
      4 days off.

      From the above
      July 15 a 7.4 in Chile.
      4 days off.

      From Troy Black
      "Next July to August"

      From the above
      The next 188 day earthquake cycle is July 27 2024.

      4 days later will be July 31/August 1st.

      From Troys video just as a possible confirmation.

      A rumbling and shaking of the nations, not just your own. A shaking in the earth and in the heavens.
      The only way I can get the world to look at me (God) is to allow the shaking to occur.

      We are waiting
      We are watching
      We are seeing and will see, and possibly feel prophecy.

      Thank you for all you do.

      Brent 188


  2. The Big One this weekend??

