Thursday, April 2, 2015

END TIMES ALERT! Look What Happened On Day Number 322!


Day number 322 of the countdown; is it a day that will live in infamy? A lot of prophetically important events occurred on day #322—March 30-31, 2015. Some of the events that occurred have the potential to trigger monumental events in the near future. Let me show you what occurred. But before I do that, in case you are not aware of the countdown, let me give you a little background information first. 

…So those are some 322 connections I see for day #322—March 30-31, 2015. Will anything happen on that day? I do not know. But as I said before, I think it bears watching.   

Now here is something else that may be of importance. Look at all the things that have been occurring on esoterically important day numbers past day one in the countdown—5/13/2014.  

Day 8 (2x2x2): 5/20/2014: The 2014 Jos bombings. 

Day 27 (3x3x3) 6/8/2014:  The Las Vegas shootings 

Day 125 (5x5x5) 9/14/2014: Isis beheading; U.S. lines up allies against Islamic State 

Day 216 (6x6x6) 12/14/2014: Sydney cafĂ© Isis hostage siege; 2014 Sydney hostage crisis 

Day 240 (.666 x 360) 1/7/2015: Charlie Hebdo Shootings 

So it looks as if “events” have been occurring on esoterically important dates past 5/13/2014. And if you notice a lot of those events have muslim connections. So is there a pattern here, are all these events that have occurred on these esoterically important days, indications that a countdown has begun?  

I believe it is an obvious conclusion from the speech of the French Foreign Minister that a countdown began on that day, and the events occurring at esoterically important day numbers support that conclusion, regardless if anything happens on day #322 or not. But the big question is; has the end times countdown begun? Are we in the 70th Week?...  

As you can see in the post quoted from above I theorized that a countdown began on 5/13/2014 and that due to the esoteric importance of day #322, that it should be watched. Now here is a quick synopsis of what occurred on Day #322—March 30-31, 2015. BTW; I believe that God revealed the pattern to me—to Him be the glory. 

1.     It was reported by Russia Today that; RUSSIAN FM: IRAN AND 6 WORLD POWERS REACH AGREEMENT ON ALL KEY POINTS. 

2.     The Arab nations formed a joint military force which is a precursor to the Psalm 83 Mid East war. 

3.     Military aid and weapons of approximately 1.3 billion were promised to Egypt. 

4.     It was announced that Greece may not be able to cover their March 31 obligations which could cause an economic domino effect across the globe in the next few weeks. 

5.     A Russian analyst calls for a nuclear attack on Yellowstone and the San Andreas Fault. 

6.     Erdogan proclaims that he is god and the next day turkey is thrown into darkness. 

Each one of the events above has the potential to develop into major prophetic occurrences. Let me explain the possibilities I see with each of these events. 

1.   The Iran Deal

On March 31, 2015 it was reported by RT that an Iran deal has been agreed upon. (Interesting that it has not been reported in the USA MSM). AFP also picked up on the story reporting these statements from the Russian FM 

"One can say with relative certainty that we at the minister level have reached an agreement in principle on all key aspects of the final settlement of this issue,"… The "agreement in principle... will be put on paper in the coming hours or perhaps within one day," Lavrov said, quoted by Ria Novosti after a lengthy day of talks in Lausanne. 

Note: Fox News is now reporting that a preliminary agreement has been reached.  

Many believe that the Iran deal is a bad deal, and that we have betrayed Israel, and furthermore are pushing them into a corner. Here is how Bill Kristol described the situation in his article; A Nuclear Iran? 

…No, what alarmed the prime minister was Iran. The progress of the Iranian regime toward nuclear weapons is the threat, as he sees it, to the well-being of Israel, the overall success of American foreign policy, and any hopes for peace and stability in the Middle East. The nuclear arms deal the Obama administration seeks with Iran would secure Iran's path to nuclear weapons capability and would strengthen a regime that not only proclaims death to Israel and death to America but shows by its behavior that it means both statements. And this is to say nothing of the likelihood of a nuclear arms race in the Middle East to follow. 

So with it being reported that a deal has been reached with the #1 terrorist nation in the world that will “secure Iran’s path to nuclear weapons capability;” what do you think Israel will do now? Will they go it alone? I see that as a distinct possibility, and if they do, I believe the result, because of the consequences of the war, will bring great persecution upon her. This is predicted in the Bible where it tells us that eventually Israel will become a burdensome stone to the whole world. 

1 The burden of the word of the Lord for Israel, saith the Lord, which stretcheth forth the heavens, and layeth the foundation of the earth, and formeth the spirit of man within him. 

2 Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem. 

3 And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it. Zech 12:1-3 

And when might they go it alone? I do not know, but it is being reported that there is a cyber attack planned to take down Israel with an “electronic Holocaust”on April 7th—in the midst of Passover Week. If this report is credible, and or the event occurs, then it may precipitate a strong response. We also have to remember that we are in the tetrad period in which I expect Israel to be involved in a war and possibly regain the Temple Mount. 

2.     The Arab league’s joint military force. 

It was announced on March 30, 2015 that the Arab league was forming a joint military force. There are several end times wars foretold in scripture. One of them is the Psalm 83 war. In Psalm 83 a group of nations is described as coming against Israel. This group of nations from Psalm 83 matches the Arab joint military force, as explained in this video.  

And what does scripture tell us is the goal of the nations in Psalm 83?  They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance. Ps 83:4 

They want to wipe Israel off the map; sound familiar? Thus I see the formation of this joint military force as a major step in the fulfillment of this end times prophecy. There was another verse in Ps 83 that caught my eye.  

O my God, make them like a wheel; as the stubble before the wind. Ps 83:13 

“Make them like a wheel as stubble before the wind;” when I read that I immediately remembered a scene from the Mophie commercial that featured a wheel—Ferris wheel—rolling amidst destruction right behind the 3 Biblical animals related to Passion Week.

Could that be a timing signal? BTW; I believe the Mophie commercial contains predictive programming; Predictive Programming in the Mophie Super Bowl Commercial. 

3.     Military aid to Egypt. 

On March 31, 2015 it was announced that President Obama was releasing military aid to Egypt. 

President Obama on Tuesday released military aid to Egypt that was suspended after the 2013 overthrow of the government, in an effort to boost Cairo's ability to combat the extremist threat in the region. 

The White House said Obama notified Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi in a phone call Tuesday that the U.S. would be sending 12 F-16 fighter jets, 20 missiles and up to 125 tank kits, while continuing to request $1.3 billion in military assistance for Egypt. The White House said Egypt will remain the second-largest recipient of U.S. foreign military financing worldwide. 

And guess who is a member of the Arab League? Egypt. Are you getting the picture? Do I need to say anymore? 

Let me also mention that there is a man at Z3 News that had a dream that may be related to this event. 

…So I knew the signs of the times, but did not know the trigger event that would cause tensions to increase. Last night I believe I saw the trigger event. 

I dreamed I was an insider in the Obama administration. I was working in what felt like the basement of a large office building. I was working with other staff members on a proposal that had just been given to the President requesting his authorization of $200 million in military weapons and equipment… 

Then we received the news of his decision. He had not only approved it, but increased the amount six times! Instead of $200 million it was now $1.2 billion! He clearly wanted to send a big message to someone. 

The Fox News article above says that President Obama will be seeking approval to release the 1.3 billion in funds. The man’s dream featured 1.2 Billion, so maybe when it is all said and done it will be 1.2 billion or maybe it will not be this event. BTW; 1.3 billion Dollars = 1.2 billion Euros. We will have to watch the final amount and see if he bypasses congress and signs it on his own as the full account of the dream describes. He believes this event will trigger stock market crashes and an eventual collapse of the dollar. 

Many believe a stock market crash is coming; financial experts tell us that one way to protect your assets during a crash is to invest in a fund that does the opposite of what the market does. One such fund, that the man saw in his dream, is FAZ. It does 3x the opposite of what the stock market does as evidenced in the chart below. Look how it performed in the 2008 crash, it rose to almost $600 a share, it is now in the $12 range.


Based on his dreams the man believes that when President Obama bypasses Congress and signs a 1.2 billion military aid deal that on the same day FAZ will begin to rise and the stock market crash will occur shortly thereafter. Note: none of is to be considered as financial advice. 

4.     The Greece Default

On March 31, 2015 King World News featured this story; ECB To Steal Greek Bank Deposits As Greece To Default Within Two Weeks Sending Shockwaves Around The World! In the article that was an interview with James Turk, he stated that Greece is running out of money and may not be able to meet their end of month—March 31—obligations. He also believes that Greece may default within the next 2 weeks which will send financial shockwaves around the world. 

5.     The Russian Threat

On March 31, 2015 a Russian analyst urges nuclear attack on Yellowstone National Park and San Andreas fault line. If either event were to occur it would not only cause a lot of death and destruction but has the potential to cripple the United States as a nation. I have posted about the possibility of a Yellowstone eruption and a California mega earthquake many times. In fact I believe there has been a lot of predictive programming of those events. Here is a post where I discuss some of the particulars; The NUKING of Yellowstone—BEWARE the antichrist “Ring of Fire” Birthing Ritual—Our Greatest Threat. 

6.     The Erdogan Proclamation

On March 30-31, 2015 President Erdogan proclaimed himself to be god and the next day Turkey was hit with a massive blackout leaving about 85% of his country in the dark. Some believe that Erdogan is a prime candidate for the antichrist. 

So we have 6 events all occurring on the illuminati death day #322, all end times prophecy related, and all with the potential to develop into major prophetic occurrences! Let me pose the questions from the first post in which I gave a heads up for day #322. 

So the same day that I put forth months before as the possible beginning date of the 70th Week the French Foreign Minister announces the beginning of a countdown. Thus not only is March 30/31, 2015 day #322 in his countdown but it is also possibly day #322 in the 70th Week…  

So it looks as if “events” have been occurring on esoterically important dates past 5/13/2014. And if you notice a lot of those events have muslim connections. So is there a pattern here, are all these events that have occurred on these esoterically important days, indications that a countdown has begun?  

I believe it is an obvious conclusion from the speech of the French Foreign Minister that a countdown began on that day, and the events occurring at esoterically important day numbers support that conclusion, regardless if anything happens on day #322 or not. But the big question is; has the end times countdown begun? Are we in the 70th Week? 

But the big question is; has the end times countdown begun? Are we in the 70th Week?  

Some Christians bristle at this suggestion because they believe that the first event of the last 7 years will be the rapture. Scripture clearly tells us that the rapture will not occur until after the 6th Seal is opened. I can scripturally prove this fact to you. The proof is in my end times prophecy book; The Coming Epiphany, which you can download for FREE at the link. 

Other Christians cannot accept this statement because they feel that no one can know when the last 7 years begins. But this is not what Jesus told us, he only told us that we would not know when the rapture occurs. And since the rapture will occur at the 6th seal and not the beginning, it is therefore possible to know when it starts. 

Let me state it plainly; I do not know when the rapture will occur because I do not know when Seal 6 will occur. All I know is that seal 6 and the rapture will occur sometime between the revealing of the antichrist at the midpoint, and the end of the last 7 years.  

I believe exactly the same as pretribbers believe with one exception; pretribbers believe the rapture will occur at an unknown time before the last 7 years begins. I believe the rapture will occur at an unknown time during the last 7 years and thus one can know when the last 7 years has begun before the rapture occurs. 

The practical application of the fact that the rapture will occur during the last 7 years after the 6th seal is opened means that Christians will be faced with living through Seals 1-5. This also means that the antichrist will wage war against us and we will not be able to buy or sell. I plead with you to consider these things carefully, you must prepare NOW for what is coming. 

Getting back to the question; has the end times countdown begun? Are we in the 70th Week? The events of day #322 certainly got my attention, however because “we see through a glass darkly,” I do not know if enough has occurred for us to definitely say that we are in the 70th Week. But as I stated in a previous post IF the sign of the woman clothed with the sun, which occurs in September of 2017 and is encoded on the dollar bill, aligns with events surrounding the midpoint then, YES we are in the 70th Week. 

In the meantime I will be watching the countdown days for other esoterically important dates. The next two that I foresee at this time are day # 333 (111 x 3)—April 10-11, 2015 and day # 343 (7x7x7)—April 20-21, 2015. Lord willing I will try to post about those days soon. 

Do you know what you must do to be saved? Read God’s Gift of Salvation.




  1. I agree and I see that sadly it looks as if the current administration is totally against Israel which as you well know is a HUGE no no I also believe that we will pay due to the administration turning on God's chosen ones..all I know to do is pray and prepare because I know in the coming days months yrs whatever time we have left needs to be spent drawing ourselves closer to God and making sure we are prepared but also to reach out and try and get others to come to Christ and be prepared also..I think we need to be prepared to help out those pre tribulation folks who will sadly start to loose faith as they see we will be here until seal 6 I pray and send many thanks your way for all you are doing and will continue to do :)

    1. I do agree that many Pre-tribbers will be shaken when they see some of the prophecies fulfilled (Jer 49:34-39, Is 17:1, Ps 83, Ez 38-39), especially the Ez 38-39 war, since so many are convinced that this is a war during the 70th week (I agree with Dr. Ron Rhodes that it occurs 3.5 years before the 70th week). However, don't count me among the PT that will lose faith. I'm a Pre-trib prepper that is convinced the whole world will get very dark and dangerous before the Rapture. I believe a strong Biblical case can be made for the Rapture occurring almost immediately after the confirming of the 7 year covenant.
      PS--I missed the word NOT before my earlier comment about Erdogan--I believe he is NOT the Antichrist.
      --Terry Hart

    2. Thanks for your encouraging words. Its good to know that others believe that the rapture will not be until after the 6th seal, and are preparing and trying to help others do so.

  2. These April dates are confirmed by MrCati as being significant. It is Satan's purpose to negate the covenant that God made with the Jews by destroying every Jew. This is one reason for forced blood draws to study people's DNA. To destroy Israel and the United States is equal to destroying the majority of Jews on the planet- it's a good start; only "cleanup" is needed thereafter.

    1. The scriptures tell us that the antichrist will wage war against Jews and Christians--the worst of it will be when we cannot buy or sell without taking the mark.

  3. William thanks for your work on this post. This is a highly unusual group of prophetically potent events occurring on the same day!
    Here are my thoughts on the first and last of your list of 6 events on day 322:
    1. Based on current circumstances, it does seem like Israel will “go it alone” against Iran. The last I heard, even Bill Salus, who recently wrote a book about this, thinks that Israel will attack Iran on their own. I won’t be too dogmatic on this one point, but it seems to me like the Bible says that there will be a large coalition of “enemies” (note the plural in Jer 49:37) from all four directions (Jer 49:36). It may be that Iran does a first strike nuclear attack on an enemy like Saudi Arabia, leading to global economic collapse. This would give the nations a powerful incentive to immediately destroy Iran’s nuclear capability.
    6. One reason that I do not believe that Erdogan is the Beast/Antichrist, is that I think that THE Antichrist will wait until the abomination of desolation to declare himself to be God. In fact, I think he may quote Ps 46:10 when he does. This is the verse that gave listeners the creeps when Obama read Psalm 46 on the 10th anniversary of 9/11. (I do not think that he is the Beast either.)
    I am convinced that we are very close to the fulfillment of the two wars foretold in Jer 49 & Ps 83. My understanding of these wars detailed in Scripture leads me to believe that Jer 49:34-39 and Is 17:1 will occur first. A likely scenario is that there will be a coalition of nations that destroy Iran’s nuclear weapons program followed by retaliation from Iran’s ally Syria who would be given the green light to launch WMDs against Israel. Israel would then do a WMD preemptive strike on Damascus fulfilling Is 17:1. This would be followed by a brief time of economic hardship for Israel (maybe international sanctions because of what they did to Damascus?). Next would be Israel’s huge onshore oil find which would help to be the trigger for the Ps 83 war……
    ---- Terry Hart

    1. THX for your analysis and input you raise some good points. My gut feeling is that Israel will go it alone against Iran, which could then ignite an all out Middle East war, then cause many problems, which will bring persecution upon her.

      I do not think erdogan is the antichrist either just one of false christs. and I agree that the A of D seems the most likely time, which may occur near the sign of the woman clothed with the sun.

  4. 1.3 billion US$ = 1.2 Euros?

    Revelation 12:3 And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.

    Six nations plus Iran reach agreement 7 nations/heads.

    Wonder in heaven? Blood moon eclipse 4/4/15?

    Red Dragon? Erdogan= re(d) d(r)agon

    Erdogan claims he is god? Blasphemy?

    Revelation 13:1 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.

    Seven heads again beast rises up and blasphemy written on his heads?

    Remember Dagon?

    1 Samuel 5:2 When the Philistines took the ark of God, they brought it into the house of Dagon, and set it by Dagon.

    These are the same entities who have "animated" the wicked for centuries. They have been working that all these things would come to pass.

    Erdogan is to be watched.

    1. THX for the info, good analysis, the 1.3 billion $ (1.2 billion euros) was a quote from the linked article.

  5. YES, WE ARE IN THE 70th WEEK ¡

    Daniel 9 : 25 " ... that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem ... " occurred on November 29, 1947, by the United Nations ( U. N. )

    Plus +70 years =

    2017 ... November 29, 2017
    - 3.5 years =

    2015 ... May 29, 2015 when happens Apocalypse 11 : 2 " ... the Gentiles shall tread under foot the holy city by forty and two months ... "
    and the other beast appears
    ( Apocalypse 13 : 11 ) .


    Luke 21 : 20 " ... And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh ... "

    Apocalypse 13 : 11 " ... And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon ... "

    Apocalypse 11 : 2 " ... But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months ... "

    Daniel 9 : 25 " ... Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times ... "

    1. Joseph; 11/29/17 - 3.5 years (1260 days) brings us to Wednesday, June 18, 2014.

    2. You are right, I'm wrong ... sorry

  6. Hello, I'm here to share you what I found on my research with the second beast saga

    it's still an ongoing quest and hasnt finished yet,

    but I want to share because the hoover dam destruction,

    which caused by the second beast will happen very soon

    here goes :

    First, I manage to find a lot of connection with the second beast and CERN from

    others truth seekers out there, and then I found the following :

    Revelation 13:11

    "And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth ; and he
    had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon."

    If you tilt your head to the left side, this image is similiar to the description, like a lamb

    "spake as a dragon", probably the sounds when LHC activated
    Revelation 13:18

    Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the
    number of the beast : for it is the number of a man ; and his number
    is Six hundred threescore and six.

    number of a man

    CESAR = (C)ERN Electron Storage and Accumulation Ring

    Six hundred threescore and six. = 666

    in order to count the beast's name, we need to use gematria

    here's a website :

    in the wiki,

    "According to Lew Kowarski, a former director of CERN, when the name was changed, the acronym could have become the awkward OERN, and Heisenberg said that the acronym could "still be CERN even if the name is [not]".[citation needed]"

    What is weird here, it's curious to see the name Heisenberg is written last name only

    In the serial TV series called Breaking Bad,

    Heisenberg -> Walter White = 144 = mark of the beast (all using simple gematria)

    So, there's a connection here, and heisenberg said that OERN can become CERN,

    which means he have this knowledge, let's found this "knowledge" of his in the wiki :)

    "Heisenberg made important contributions to the theories of the Cosmic Rays"

    of all his important contributions, Cosmic Rays is the only one with first letter of C

    LHC is mentioned in Cosmic ray !!!

    and we need to get a new "C" to change the "O" from OERN, so it would turn into CERN

    Revelation 13:14
    and deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those
    miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast

    the word "sight" here means EYE of the BEAST

    the first beast is Europe, look at where german a320, the one with 144 passengers died fell???(144 = mark of the beast)


    The second beast is CESAR
    CESAR = CERN Electron Storage and Accumulation Ring

    now, we'll add the word "cosmic ray" on (C)ERN ESAR

    which forms to :

    cosmic ray european for research nuclear electron storage and accumulation ring

    now, we remove all the unnecessary words, we remove "ray", "for" & "and"

    cosmic european research nuclear electron storage accumulation ring = 666

    Now we know the name of the second beast

    Next we'll predict on what the Beast will do.

  7. it seems my message needs to be approved first so I hope you approved it

    I'm not an internet guy much so I dont understand too much about it hahaha

    anyway, moving on the hoover dam connection

    april fourth = 144 = mark of the beast

    rev 13:15

    "And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the
    image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as
    would not worship the image of the beast should be killed."

    in here, the beast BOTH SPEAK, which means this power will come out from the mouth of europe

    now if you make a line, with CERN headquarter as its axis,

    and with a rule that you cant cross both the upper and under of europe's lips,

    you can line it to hoover dam !

    in one of Enterthe5t4rz video about the tetrad blood moon here,

    it said 88 eclipse, 101 years = 101x88 = 8888

    now let's see from here

    "Nevertheless, Six Companies turned over the dam to the federal government on March 1, 1936, more than two years ahead of schedule."

    this is a curious sentence, why is it must be 2 years ahead of schedule?

    so I add march 1 1936, and calculate it all the way to april 4th 2015

    it sums into

    28,888 days

    and this is what might happened to America on

    april 4th 2015(or so I thought, there are more of the puzzle and I'll get to that after this) :

    from rev 6:12-18

    And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there
    was a great earthquake ; and the sun became black as sackcloth of
    hair, and the moon became as blood ;
    and the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth
    her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.
    And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together ; and
    every mountain and island were moved out of their places.
    And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men,
    and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman,
    and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of
    the mountains ;
    and said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from
    the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of
    the Lamb :
    for the great day of his wrath is come ; and who shall be able to
    stand ?

    "in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains"

    is a somewhat a similiar description to tall modern apartment buildings

    also the pied piper of hamelin in the economist 2015 cover have fish surrounding it,

    it means the catastrophe that will happen is related to water

    Now, to predict the REAL date

    .... but I'm run out of word limits so I'll post it in third post

  8. Allright it should be fine now

    here goes :

    during my research on finding the beast's name, I need to take 3 unnecessary words to make a [C]ERN ESAR -> CESAR

    cosmic ray european for research nuclear electron storage and accumulation ring

    so I remove, the word ray, for & and in order to make it into 666

    Now, in this video

    there are 3 unnecessary days to create a perfect 88+88 days cycle on the four blood moon

    so, something is connected here, so I tried the numerology of "ray, for, and"

    then, I found 3 possibilities

    1. first, using phytagorean method

    ray= 9+1+7= 17

    for= 6+6+9= 21

    and= 1+5+4= 10

    17+21+10 = 48 -> april 8th -> 4/8/15

    2. now using simple method

    ray= 18+1+25= 44

    for= 6+15+18= 39

    and= 1+14+4= 19

    44+39+19= 102= 1+0+2= 3

    so maybe.. 4/4/15 + 3 days = 4/7/15

    3. now using the number 102 from the simple method, and using it as the 102nd of the day..
    which is april 12th

    4/12/15 = 4+12+15= 31

    and from Zach's blog post here

    Which probably means God says to us that the riddle is not done yet... just maybe...

    and the score, 31-0! same numerology as the date 4/12/15

    Also now Kentucky has score of 31-1 (if we count it only from the shirt, I never watch NCAA and not American so im not sure)

    The Beast = 311 in Jewish Gematria

    4. 31-0 -> NOT DONE 31-1 -> DONE?

    so we reduce 4/12/15 by 1 day, so it can be DONE

    it turns to 4/11/15

    few minutes after the day in hoover dam's time zone turns into april 5th, there was articles of LHC restarted, and it mentions the dark matter

    see the guardian's title!!! CERN's LHC restart with SIGHTS SET on dark matter!

    dark matter in jewish gematria = 411 !!!!

    now change dark matter with 411

    CERN's LHC restart with sights set on 4/11/15 !

    Also the word BEAM from the guardian's article's picture, sums to 38 in Jewish gematria which 38 = death

    colorado = 38 in pyhtagorean gematria = death

    hoover = 38 in pyhtagorean gematria =death 


    welp they said we're not done yet... I'll post more later when I found more possibilities..

    please approve my comment because it's very important

    Thank you for reading :)

    Be safe and Jesus bless you all.

  9. re218942 Don't forget their underground bunkers that have been there forever and are so extensive that it has been said there is more underground than there is aboveground- reptiles live in a hole in the ground because they require the rocks to heat their bodies. Good information however- keep it coming!

  10. Wondering why the Christians keep time with primarily a solar calendar, Jews primarily a lunar/solar calendar, Muslims primarily a lunar calendar?
    I'm also wondering why Prince William hit the start of the Jewish religious year and total solar eclipse with a day count from his birth only a Mayan astronomer would care about. Or for that matter why at the start of the Muslim new year "Muharram" on 10/13/2015 does Prince William hit this mark with a day count(12167) only a Jewish scholar of there calendar/Molad intervals would understand. Or why from the start of the Muslim new year on 10/13/2015 to Hanukkah on 12/13/2017 gives you a count of 793 which only the Hebrew scholar of molad intervals would understand. Or Why on the Christian calendar is there 666 days between 2/16/2016 and the fullness of the 793 from the start of the Muslim new year on 10/13/2015 and from that date to 2/16/2016 is 126. maybe someone can help me out here!

  11. CERN: The Tool Used By The NWO To Try and Kill God - Part 1
