Monday, September 30, 2024

The Coming Greatest Deception in the History of the World; Hitler 2.0 Part 2


In part 1 of this post, we ended with the following. 

“So, what political figure will be Hitler 2.0—the antichrist—and will the church in large embrace him as they did with the first Hitler, and if so, what are the implications? 

Let’s reiterate some key facts about the first Hitler that may shed some light on the answers to those questions. 

Hitler 1.0 

He used religion as a cover to deceive the masses and the church. 

He promoted a heretical sect of Christianity—positive Christianity—and integrated its beliefs into politics. BTW, positive Christianity used an altered Bible. 

Elimination of the Jews in Nazi Germany was not confined to the Holocaust. It also took the form of rewriting the New Testament to ‘dejudaize’ it, i.e. to remove references to Judaism and to recast Jesus as an Aryan, generating what has been called the ‘Nazi Bible’. 

He persecuted and killed several groups of people for being opposed to the state religion and political ideologies.” 

Keep those data points in mind as we proceed. Now, let me introduce you to a politically connected sect of Christianity called the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR). 

The New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) is a theological belief and movement that combines elements of Pentecostalism, evangelicalism and the Seven Mountain Mandate to advocate for spiritual warfare to bring about Christian dominion over all aspects of society, and end or weaken the separation of church and state. NAR leaders often call themselves apostles and prophets. Long a fringe movement of the American Christian right, it has been characterized as "one of the most important shifts in Christianity in modern times." The NAR's prominence and power have increased since the 2016 election of Donald Trump as US president. Theology professor André Gagné, author of a 2024 book on the movement, has characterized it as "inherently political" and said it threatens to "subvert democracy." American Republican politicians such as Mike Johnson, Doug Mastriano, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and Lauren Boebert, and activists such as Charlie Kirk have aligned with it. 

As the fastest growing group "within or on the periphery of American Christianity" since the 1980s, the New Apostolic Reformation has rapidly gained religious and political influence in the United States. In 2015, it was estimated that churches openly part of the NAR were attended by 3,000,000 Americans; some estimates as of 2020 claim an "[influence on] approximately thirty-three million adherents in the United States", though this number is disputed. 

The movement is global, growing in Latin America, Africa, and Asia, with it constituting a significant part of church growth in the southern hemisphere. 

This leadership sees itself as having the divine authority and spiritual power – used in spiritual warfare – to "advance God's earthly kingdom so that Christ can return." Made up of networks of apostles and prophets and networks of churches, Wagner saw the movement as the "most radical change in how churches operate since the Protestant Reformation." These "relational networks", as opposed to a church bureaucratic system, were part of the previous Latter Rain movement. Biola University theology professor R. Douglas Geivett and writer Holly Pivec, who have written three books on the movement, described the movement's promises in God's Super-Apostles: Encountering the Worldwide Prophets and Apostles Movement: 

“If you submit to their leadership, then you too will work mighty miracles. You'll become part of a great end-time army that will bring about a world revival and cleanse the earth of evil by calling down hailstones, fire and the other judgments of God described in the New Testament book of Revelation. 

Those in opposition, seen to include much of the US federal government and the Democratic Party, are viewed as being subject to demonic forces.” 

Hmm…so, they are inherently political and if you do not go along with their agenda, you are demonic?! And let’s consider their 7 Mountain Mandate. 

The Seven Mountain Mandate (7M) – argued to hold "revelation status" in the NAR – is another aspect of NAR belief, which states that Christians should take over multiple aspects ("mountains") of society: family, religion, education, media, arts and entertainment, business, and government. 

Prominent NAR believer Lance Wallnau, who has asserted Donald Trump was "anointed" to be president, has promoted 7M combined with spiritual warfare against perceived demonic spirits. Wallnau told followers in 2011: 

If you're talking to a secular audience you don't talk about having dominion over them. This whole idea of taking over and that language of takeover, it doesn't actually help. It's good for preaching to the choir and it's shorthand if we interpret it right, but it's very bad for media." Source: 

Now where have I heard about 7 mountains before? 

1 And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters: 

5 And upon her forehead was a name written, Mystery, Babylon The Great, The Mother Of Harlots And Abominations Of The Earth. 

9 And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth. Rev 17 

Is there a prophetic connection between the 7 mountains of Rev 19 and the 7 mountains of the NAR or is it just happenstance? 

Regardless of the answer to that question, at the very least, it is easy to see that the NAR is a sect of Christianity, is politically connected, and considers those who disagree to be demonic/evil. 

Do they have their own altered Bible like Hitler’s positive Christianity did? Yes, they do. 

Brian Simmons is a NAR apostle and the author of The Passion Translation, which he asserts Jesus Christ personally commissioned him to translate from the New Testament and the Hebrew Bible into new scripture in 2009. He added that he had been transported to meet Jesus in an immense library in heaven. Pivec, who has co-authored three books on the NAR, writes that the translation has been endorsed by several NAR leaders, and many in the movement use it as their primary Bible. She adds that Simmons is the sole author of the translation and he has not disclosed the editors and scholars he says have reviewed his work. Pivec and her co-author, Geivett, assert the translation contains "completely reworded verses, making it appear that the Bible supports NAR teachings. Source: 

And what is the goal of the NAR? 

…the NAR holds that most such prophecies have been fulfilled in the early church, with prophecies from the movement's prophets gaining importance in its understanding of the end times. It believes that the end times will be an "optimistic" period of the Kingdom of God being established on earth through the actions of obedient Christians, leading to the Second Coming. Source: 

So, based on their version of the Bible the NAR wants to subdue the world and establish a religious kingdom so that the Second Coming can occur. Didn’t Hitler go forth trying to subdue nations using positive Christianity and its altered Bible as his justification?  Yes, he did. 

Do you see any similarities between the NAR and Hitler’s positive Christianity? Let’s see.


Those are some interesting correlations. And at present who is the NAR’s chosen political “savior of the world?” 

‘Prophecy voters’ forming core of Trump’s evangelical base 

Much of Donald Trump’s evangelical base of support comes not from “value voters” or nostalgic “white Christian nationalists” as much as “prophecy voters,” those charismatics who see the president as an anointed leader who will have a part in bringing God’s kingdom to earth. This group is likely to continue to influence and reshape the Christian right during the 2020 elections and beyond, writes Damon Berry in Nova Religio (May 11), a journal on new religious movements. The belief that Trump is anointed by God has become more prominent among American Protestants since his election in 2016. Writing in the Religion in Public blog (May 11), political scientists Paul Djupe and Ryan Burge note that belief in Trump as anointed by God grew from 29 percent in 2019 to a remarkable 49 percent by late March of 2020 among regularly church attending white Protestants (and increasing among all Protestants). Djupe and Burge argue that church leaders and clergy have driven up the religious significance of Trump, but Berry’s article pinpoints the source of such beliefs directly to the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) movement. The New Apostolic Reformation movement consists of networks of charismatic churches and leaders who teach that New Testament apostolic and prophetic ministry and leadership is still operative and that believers are called to establish God’s dominion on earth. Pioneered by the teaching of the late Fuller Seminary professor C. Peter Wagner, the NAR is based in networks of leaders, megachurches, and prayer ministries, such as POTUS Shield, Bethel Church in California, Paula White (Trump’s key spiritual advisor), and Lance Wallnau [though not all NAR leaders are ardent Trump backers]. 

Several NAR leaders claim that God chose Trump as a vehicle to destroy leftist influence in the U.S. and allow for the restoration of Christian society. Source: 

Their chosen “anointed” leader, political savior of the world, is Donald Trump. 

Will the “end times be an "optimistic" period of the Kingdom of God being established on earth through the actions of obedient Christians, leading to the Second Coming” as they claim? 

Is Trump “an anointed leader who will have a part in bringing God’s kingdom to earth” as they claim? 

I answer, ABSOLUTELY NOT! Read your Bible. Christ does not return to a world that has defeated the devil and has been conquered for Christianity. He comes to a world that has been taken over by the devil and the antichrist and a world in which Jews and Christians are being persecuted and killed! 

Here is how Stan put it in a comment on a recent post. 

William...The New Apostolic Reformation is behind all this ...We are going to make America great again. Sodom and Gomorrah are not going to be made great again. 

They actually preach that the Army of God Christians are going to defeat satan in the USA, then we Christians are going to defeat satan worldwide....then Christ comes back. I would have to rip out of my Bible Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Hosea, Micah, Revelation...I don't believe many people read their bibles in depth at all....but instead parrot what their pastor tickles their ears with. 

It's going to be some serious tribulation very soon. 

If you cannot see from the Bible that there will be no restoration of the kingdom of God before Christ returns, you are spiritually blind. I do not care how many people say God told them otherwise. The Bible—God’s Word—our only authority, says differently. Thus, these people who are saying “God told them…” must be hearing from deceiving spirits—demons. 

Now let’s turn our attention back to Hitler 2.0. Will Hitler 2.0 be a political leader in alignment with the NAR? We know that Hitler 2.0—the antichrist—will persecute and or kill those who do not conform to his agenda. Since those who do not conform to the beliefs of the NAR are considered satanic, if Hitler 2.0 is their anointed leader, will the NAR support Hitler 2.0’s agenda of persecuting and killing those who do not conform? Will that include some Christians who do not go along with their agenda? 

The answers to those questions are yet to be seen, but I dare say that if many Christians were deceived by Hitler 1.0, they can be deceived by Hitler 2.0. And let’s refresh our memory on how Hitler gained so much power and influence. 

Hitler was the leader that raised Germany out of the depression and brought them back to a world recognized power.  Due to his annulment of the financial woes of the Germanic people he became their redeemer and they anointed him as the leader of the German Reich Christian Church in 1933.  This placed him in power of the German Christian Socialist movement which legislates their political and religious agendas. It united all denominations, mainly the Protestant/Catholic and Lutheran people to instill faith in a national Christianity. Source: 

He brought financial prosperity which gave him great power and influence, which in turn then fostered his ability to deceive the masses. Will Hitler 2.0 do the same? 

Christians beware and consider this quote about Christians being deceived by Hitler in Germany. 

What does that mean for us today? It means that we need to remember that political propaganda can infect the minds of even sincere Christians and distort their priorities. Even more, it means that we must remember that political issues are under the authority of the One to whom all authority in heaven and on earth has been committed and we need to look to Him for wisdom.Source: Evangelicals for Adolf: Christians in Hitler’s Germany 

Here is a famous quote to keep in mind; “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” – George Santayana, The Life of Reason, 1905. 

Hitler 2.0 is coming, that is a fact. Will history repeat itself, will he be supported by the NAR?

BTW, if Armageddon is in 2028, implying the midpoint will be in the spring of 2025, then Hitler 2.0 is near to coming on the scene. If it is not 2028, then we have more time.

Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36 

Have you had your epiphany? You need to be prepared for the end times! Read The Coming Epiphany;—Your Guide to Understanding End Times Bible Prophecy. 

Not sure that you will go to heaven? The end times are knocking on the door and so is Jesus. He wants to save you; will you let him in? Find out what you must do to be saved, click here.


  1. Well done William! I have been saying since 2016 that Donald Trump is a child of perdition, the Antichrist. I have translated many English articles about Trump's anti-Christianity into Finnish for my blog. By the way, here is one good updated website that has been talking about Trump as a deceiver since 2016.

  2. There are many candidates for the antichrist, just because the NAR has selected Trump for their leader now may not mean he is the one, they may pick someone else in the future. And it is also possible that the NAR may not be involved with the ac at all, even though the similarities are striking. However, on the other hand it is possible that they will be, and that leader may be the one. Time will tell.

  3. William....This latest 2 part article will be looked back upon as the most truthful
    expose of what is going on with this NAR movement. I have been around Lance
    Wallnau, and two other " apostles" in that Christian "Army of God" cult like group.
    Here is another take I have. There are some very well meaning devout Christians
    in that group who rightfully want to defeat satan for now, and kick that satan can
    down the road. But they simply don't study the Bible for themselves and since the
    left is indeed demonic can their NAR group be wrong? People as
    myself who speak against this movement are looked upon as
    being skoffers , mockery, and unbelievers. It is just as
    you said, another Hitler type movement...and your 7
    mountain statement made me sit up in my chair. That
    gave me an "epiphany" moment Sir William. and I thank
    you for that! Whomever is the antichrist, with his demonic
    powers, he will have the masses going googoo gaga over
    him....and thus as Revelation says...the world will wonder
    after the beast. Unfortunately, the apostles of the NAR
    movement are going to be used by satan himself to have
    their steeple follow after him.

    We will see the antichrist come to power and his followers
    will be coming after us. I have no fear, except knowing these
    people will eventually awaken, and I pray not too late.
    The more deeply I study my Bible ..especially in Isaiah, Jeremiah,
    Daniel, Hosea, Matthew, Revelation...and is like putting
    on night vision goggles. The demonic tentacles are everywhere,
    just like the beast he is.

    William....I really appreciate your tenacity to keep putting out these
    truths that unfortunately are in the minority.

  4. I have always felt it was Prince Harry, don't trust that man.

  5. William....I would like to add more thoughts after diving deep into this rabbit hole. Well meaning Christians recite 2Chronicles7:14.." If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."

    That is all fine and good..."if" those conditions are met. What these people fail to do is read 5 verses late, starting in verse 19 what happens if they keep turning away...forsaking His statutes and commandments, serve other gods, and worship them. Verses 20-22 are not healing our land, but evil is brought upon it. Verse 21 is very similar to Revelation 18 when 2Chronicles7:21 says.."And this house, which is high, shall be an astonishment to everyone that passeth by it; so that he shall say, "Why hath the Lird done thus unto this land, and unto this house?"

    What I have noticed in several places in the Bible that angers God tremendously is Christians thinking no harm will come to them, as they listen to their FALSE PROPHETS. Let me quote from the Lord Himself says in Jeremiah 23:16-17.."Thus saith the Lord of hosts, Hearing not unto the words of the prophets that prophesy unto you: they make you vain: they speak a vision of their own heart, and not out of the mouth of the Lord. 17.."They say unto them that despise me, The Lord hath said, Ye shall have peace; and they say unto everyone that walk-through after the imagination of his own heart, No evil shall come upon you.

    If you read verses 18-19...God questions who has stood in the council of the Lord...and that a grievous whirlwind will go out in fury..and fall upon the head of the wicked.

    But...verse 20 clearly states when this will occur..
    Jeremiah 23:20.."The anger of the Lord shall not return , until he have performed the thoughts of his heart: in the LATTER DAYS ye shall consider it perfectly." Verses 21-23 are worth reading why this makes God mad.

    Hosea 7 tells a lot more that I can't type here. In short, verses 12-16 speak of the endtimes when it mentions "WOE unto them in verse 13. How they assemble themselves for corn and wine .our typical prosperity preaching churches today, how they strengthen themselves...such as the NAR "army of God"...verse 16
    ..they return, but not to the utmost high...they are like a deceitful bow: their princess shall fall by the sword for the rage of their tongue: this shall be their decision in the land of Egypt."

    Jesus says in Matthew 26:52.."Put up again thy sword into its place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword."

    This NAR movement is the main push that put Trump into the white house in 2017. Their army of God led by their "anointed "apostles" such as Lance Wallnau, Charlie Kirk, Mike Thomas(speaker of the house)...Paula White(Trumps personal minister)..and seversl others about make me want to take a bath reading what they spew to their well meaning Christian sheeple...and they are getting this new Christian movement all lathered up with the 2nd coming of Trump....more than the 2nd coming of Christ!
    I voted for Trump twice, and although Kamala Harris would be a disaster, I will write in Ron Desantis instead of voting for Trump. I think he has been a big deceotion...and his biggest deception is about to come.

    1. You nailed it Stan, I think I will write in the Lord Jesus Christ
